Getting your branding right

A well designed logo using solid, timeless design. As part of marketing strategy, your "brand identity" is a key part of making sure that your customers and prospects remember you.

Good design can also convey a message about your company. Use of colour, font and imagery can make associations in the mind of your customer. Your company name and logo can tell your customer that you are fun, irreverent, reliable, trustworthy, solid, or imaginitive.

However you want to be known, Invent Partners can help you get your message across.

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“ From the outset, invent Partners got the balance right and were prepared to listen to our needs, whilst at the same time offering their depth of knowledge and experience. The end product we received is exceptional and has since proven its worth, fundamentally from a ‘back end’ input and management information viewpoint and importantly from a ‘front end’ consumer ease of use stance. Needless to say, we are growing our business as a result, with 80% of web business as ‘net new’. ”
Ged, Vertigrow Ltd

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